Central Square好房 馬上入住 Don't miss it!!!
房源ID: Nikki0014入住時間: 12/01/2018租金: $3,450/month房型: 近 Central Square 的 2 房 2 衛高級公寓地裡位置:3 blocks away from MBTA Central Square station周邊生活: 付近有許多中國、韓國、泰式餐館,是喜歡美食的朋友的好選擇World-class shops, restaurants and theaters are just outside your door !!!臨近學校: MIT, Harvard University 廚房:Stainless Steel Appliances, dishwasher, garbage disposal, granite counter top fireplace, European-style cabinetry洗衣間: Common area 洗衣房,冬季下雪天就不用出門.每戶都有private balconyParking: outdoor and garage parking, 有車庫,可以租車位,對有車或準備買車的朋友來說很方便24-hour 緊急管理.Contact information: wechat: Nikki55678(有關房子的問題歡迎詢問Boston地區租房小幫手Nikki,謝謝! )