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[【短租】] 出租belmont 的房间,位置在Belmont

发表于 2015-5-27 10:11:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

在BELMONT,坐落于beech st 和lexington st交叉口附近,房子接近于waverley square 。有73路、554、火车和到bentley大学 的suttle bus。
5分钟步行到73路公交车站,15分钟左右到哈佛广场红线地铁站; 554路到downtown 和 8分钟也可到bentley 大学,交通便利。室内生活设施齐全,拎包入住。 水、电、暖、燃气、热水、无限宽带上网 ,以上全包。

现在 入住。附近步行5分钟有star 超市.

on the first floor , Located at Belmont Waverley Square (Beech st & Lexington st). 1400sf, nice clean hardwood floors, large livingroom, diningroom and kitchen, , huge shared deck and yard。 Within 5 mins walk to bus station, Duncan Donut, school, post office, Bank of America, citizens bank, Market(Shaws), commuter rail, #73 bus to Harvard Square, #554 bus to downtown Boston, commuter rail into Boston and the shuttle bus to Bentley University. Convenient to Harvard University, MIT, Bently College, Lesley College - the Mass Turnpike, Routes 2 and 128 and Storrow Drive. Close to Waltham, Watertown, Cambridge and Arlington. No fee

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