因个人原因,我需转租Washington Crossing@woburn 一套2B2B公寓里的1B1B。该1B1B家具齐全,可拎包入住。In-unit 洗衣机和烘干机, In-building 健身房,business room, 会客厅,电影/TV放映厅。你的室友是一个在附近上班的好相处的中国女生。Room is available now, flexible leasing starting date, 房屋lease到7月底结束。
地址:55 Cedar St, Woburn, MA, 01801
租金:$890*/month + Utility Shared with Roommate + deposit(会在租期结束后退还)
*A discounted rent from $1052 (what I pay monthly)
*$850/month if you could sign a lease by Nov. 15th.
此公寓交通生活便利,5分钟生活圈有:market-basket, Woburn Shopping Mall, Showcase Cinemas Woburn,Sichuan Garden, 老西安,新龙凤早茶,Woburn Laser-Tag.
希望你也是上班族女生,能保持公共区域卫生干净,安静,易相处。有意者,请email 我。
Please briefly introduce yourself when you reply to me. A LinkedIn profile is required.
About the 2B2B unit: One room is used by a Chinese girl/young professional now. She prefers to have a 女性 friend/young professional to share the unit.
这个小区特别适合在woburn / Burlington / Wilmington / Reading / Andover / Wakefield / Stoneham /Lexington上班的朋友。
照片:http://boston.craigslist.org/nwb/abo/5284258246.html |