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[【短租】] 本人求2018年1月到3月短租

发表于 2017-10-1 18:53:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本人NEU研究生,男性,由于原房12月到期不想续租,现寻求2018年1到3月底的短租。因本人多待于学校图书馆,所以对房源各方面条件等无特殊要求,只是想寻求一个住的地方而已。有合适房源则请联系, 微信:lhy871821320;电话短信:646-775-5321. 备注:租房。

发表于 2017-10-2 11:00:48 | 显示全部楼层
你好, 我们有房间应能符合你的要求,住在此处你可能要与一个中国女生(NEU MBA 已在BOSTON工作)共用一间大浴室(见附图)。另外还有两个中国女生(刚毕业MBA)也住在此房的二楼(不同的Apt)。

A  spacious and comfortable room (180 sq feet in size, 9 feet
ceiling height) will be available for rent 1/1 2018.

The location is very convenient for T riders and drivers as it is
located near many major
highway routes and public transportation and shopping centers in a
safe and beautiful area. The house is within walking distance to the
Orange line train Wellington station(12-13 minutes to Downtown Crossing Boston,8 minutes to North Station,,18-19 minutes to Back Bay,22 minutes to Ruggles station).
A bus stop with 5 routes is less than 80 yards away running
to/from the train station(2 minutes ride to train) and
other interesting places. A very large shopping center is just across
the road where you can buy every thing for daily usage including
grocery. The rent (furnished with utilities & parking ) will be about $800/month to be discussed.

If you are still looking for places and the location is OK then let us
know (qlxhss@gmail.com) so we can discuss more details.

Good luck house hunting.

Song, Yuan  (PhD Biomedical Engineering/Computing)

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