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小胡谈车:HKS $300 RebateFR-S/BRZ GT Supercharger Kit

发表于 2013-9-17 14:18:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 JJmotor668_paul 于 2013-9-18 02:36 编辑

最近街头巷尾出现很多BRZ/FRS也就是传说中的“86”的身影。 一部分幸运的车迷们可能已经拥有了这部座驾。 小弟本人试驾之后觉得操控很棒,绝对可称得上是弯道利器,遗憾的是动力略显不足。 在一片疑惑与唏嘘声中,业界神话HKS 和GREDDY分别推出了机械增压和涡轮增压的套件。 下面我们来看看HKS为车迷们带来了什么。
To celebrate the North American release oftheir GT Supercharger kits for the Scion FR-S and Subaru BRZ platforms, HKS isoffering a limited-time $300.00 gift card for retail customers that can be usedtoward their tuning - or any other purchases.
With an MSRP of $4,750.00 (US), the system is recommendedfor drivers looking for a highly-reliable and cost-effective performanceenhancement over their stock FR-S/BRZ engines. The kits are engineered to beinstalled in under five hours and integrate seamlessly into the OEM engine bay.
The vehicle-specific kit is based on the HKS-designedlow-friction centrifugal supercharger, and comes with all the necessary subcomponents, including cast aluminum intake fittings and intercooler; compressorpulley, tensioner and belt; traction oil, reservoir and cooler. It alsoincludes all of the necessary installation brackets, plumbing and hardware formounting on the front of the Scion 4U-GSE/Subaru FA20 engines.
Customers are encouraged to use the $300 HKS gift cards towardsinstallation or tuning.
"If your customers are looking for a cost-effective,OEM-friendly power increase overthe stock Subraru engine, this is a great option for them. It has a lot ofusable power, especially in the lower and mid-band ranges, where most peopleactually drive their cars," Cole said.
The heart of the system is HKS's patented Torque Response Traction System,which is based on a planetary overdrive system that releases input pulley loadat idle speeds to eliminate parasitic power loss. As engine RPM increases, themoveable planetary roller adds traction force on the turbine to increase boostaccording to load.
Because hydraulic rollers are used, thesystem is quieter and not prone to the "tumbling rock" noisecomplaints common to gear-driven centrifugal supercharger kits, and because thesystem runs off the main accessory pulley, there's no need to modify thevehicle exhaust system.
"That's probably going to be the main advantage thisHKS system has over the roots type superchargers and turbos: its ease ofinstallation and the fact that you don't need to mess with the exhaust systems,the body of the car, or engine internals," he said.
One potential drawback to the system, Cole said, arelimits to power gains. "This particular HKS system is not designed fordyno-queens," he added, noting that actual power gains will be determinedon the final tune. Additional power from a "Stage 2" setup utilizingaftermarket injectors and higher capacity fuel pumps can also be configured toup the power.
"The strength of this product is not getting into apissing contest over un-provable dyno stats, rather it's for those customerswho want a high-quality, robust installation for their daily-drivers, weekendracers. If they want 1,000 HP on the wheels, then we need to work with them tofind a solution that is better suited," Cole said.
The HKS GT Supercharger kits are designed and built inthe HKS tradition, utilizing superior build quality and trademark fitment. Theattention to detail included in the Scion/Subaru consists of cast aluminumintercooler tanks, laser cut and plated brackets, and multi-core siliconecouplings - and include all necessary hose clamps, bolts and instructions foreasy installation.
"This is essentially the same quality and design asyou'll find on the $15,000 HKS kits for the GT-Rs, only scaled for theSubaru/Scion platform," Cole said.

言而总之,这是一套,性价比高,可靠性好,发展潜力大的机械增压套件。 文中我们可以看出HKS对这套机械增压投入了很多心血。 车迷朋友们就偷着乐吧~

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