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超值2014款GTR 绝对惊爆眼球~

发表于 2013-9-17 19:32:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 JJmotor668_paul 于 2013-9-18 07:50 编辑

2014 款 GTR premium. 精选代拍车辆。 预购从速~详情请看

其实不用多做介绍, 2014 爆款GTR,0-60MILE 加速2.8秒 原厂545匹。四驱系统,20寸RAY轮毂。Brembo为尼桑定制刹车。非常罕见的颜色搭配。外黑内红。手工缝制内饰,改变了以往单调的内饰风格。更夸张的是方向盘都是黑红搭配的。在动力,悬挂等各方面更是各方面超越以往的GTR。 拥有一个如此完美的Head turner的机会难得。只有2600迈。 享受前所未有的刺激与奢华,还等什么
详情请拨打617-786-8866 机会难得哦

2014 Nissan GT-R Black Jet Pearl/ Red Amberinterior this 2014 GT-R affectionately dubbed "Godzilla" pushes 545HP makes this the fastest GT-R ever 0-60 in 2.8 secs. 3.8-liter twin-turbo V6 engine, Dual clutch 6-speed transmission, ATTESA E-TS, All-Wheel Drive and 20" RAYS wheels,  Nissan/Brembo® braking system. The first year produced with this very rare color combination guaranteed to be a head turner. This is your chance to own a part of  history, rumors that this could be the last year of production, this "Super-Car" will only climb in value. If you have never driven one be prepared to be thrilled every time you accelerate, incredible handling only experienced when driving exotics or an F16 jet plane,it really is that fun!!! The 2014 boosts more horsepower than previous years as well as other advancements in suspension, aerodynamics and engine performance. Coupled with the different hand stitched interior the 2014 GTR is the ONE toown. What are you waiting for? Call 617-786-8866. Serious Inquiry only. Thanks!

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