【Malden 160 次卧转租】-1387/month 2bed 2bath有自己的空间
【地址】160 Pleasant St., Malden, MA,02148
【交通】3分钟走路便可到达橙线malden center站,20分钟就可以到达downtown。
【联系方式】微信:abigailyu1112 电话:3392248057
One bedroom available in Malden 160 Pleasant St.
【Address】160 Pleasant St., Malden, MA,02148
【Price】: 1387/month
【Available】 : Available now -8/31/2016
【Deposit】: 1387 (refundable,if there is no damage in apartment
【Around】: we have police station nearby which means very safe, church for anyone have believes, stop&shop,cross street lots restaurant.
【Transportation】: orange line with 3mins walk.
PS: there is a 2bed 2bath room the main room has been take by a male. The available is the second room. It's unfurnished.
【Tel】: 3392248057 Please text before calling |