找室友住超低价主卧! 现有一套两室一厅的小公寓出租主卧内设洗手间+两个衣橱+空调 不得不说 主卧真的很大(放king size床+衣柜+写字台+小沙发 都没问题)如需要车位950刀,不需车位925刀 一起平摊杂费 包冷水 咱有阳台+客厅+厨房 冰箱和烤箱都是新的一层有洗衣机和烘干机 地址:蓝线beachmont地铁站 走路3分钟 附近有stop&shop, target, dollar tree 等 15分钟内到橙线state(转橘线) 10分钟左右到airport地铁站(转银线)还有官网说16年春季绿线gov’t center(转绿线)就开了 欢迎爱干净,易相处,不抽烟的在校男生女生因为室友是女生,所以不方便接受上班族男士 欢迎看房 入住时间2016年1月15号左右(可商量)房子5月底到期 可续约 <Looking for a Roommate> This is a 2beds & 2 baths condo. I am looking for a roommate who wanna live in masterbedroom of $925. (if you need parking space, $950) It is really big (there isno problem to place king size bed+drawers+sofa+ desk..), it has bath+airconditioner+2 closets We can share living room+kitchen+ balcony.(cold water is free, share other fees)The condo provides washing/dry machine onthe first floor. Location: Beachmont. There isstop&shop, target...near the apartment. 3 mins walk to Beachmont station,and take 15 mins to State (Transfer Orange line) , 10 mins to Airport (TransferSliver line) . Besides, the official website said Government Center Station(Transfer Green Line) will reopen in Spring 2016. Welcome students who should be clean,easy-going and no smoke(The roommate is girl, so it is not available for menwho are working now) to move-in on January 2016. Please contact me if you have interest,Wechat: no141085 email address:1335481034@qq.com