Condo 738ft. (2.5bedrooms+1bathroom) Commonwealth Court Brighton MA, 3 mins walk from T station and bus stops. Near Boston University/Boston College.
Features: 2 Bedrooms plus office/sun-room at Commonwealth Ct in Brighton! Across from Wholefood! Only a step to b-line! Kitchen, Spacious Living room & bedroom, Additional office/Sun-room Huge Closet Space, heat & hot water included. Nice and quiet neighborhood.
公寓位于Commonwealth Court Brighton 学区,环境安静交通方便, 离巴士站或者离地铁绿线B步行3分钟,方便各种购物餐厅超市等。 接近波士顿大学Boston University 和Boston College. 月租包括杂费。两房一厅。开学期9月份可以搬入。 有意者可致电或短信Wen:6178183992 或Lily 6178704976.
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