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[【长租】] Worcester两套新装修套房招长租

发表于 2017-11-5 09:48:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
First one:
A new renovated spacious 2 bedroom apartment with a brand new bonus sun room on 1st floor of 3 family home, new hardwood floor, washer and dryer in common area shared with another apartment.
Free parking. Conveniently located in quiet and nice neighbor on a small island in Dorothy pond.Fish & Wildlife, boating.
Close to the center of the town and easy to access Rt.20.
Available now, move in with monthly rent of $1300, one month security deposit, plus last month rent.
No pets please.

Second One:
$650/800ft2- a newly renovated 2 bedroom apartment shared with one roommate. Female only.
Close to the Dorothy Pond.

Please contact Mandy at 617-694-0392, leave a message or email at mli0000@yahoo.com to mention apartment.
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