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[【长租】] Cambridgepark apt 1 room with private bath

发表于 2018-3-4 15:21:55 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2 分钟走路到Alewife Station. Spacious room with private bath. 室友是一个安静的小女生。租金为$1402再加一半的utilities. 社区有健身房,桑拿,室外游泳池,还有24小时concierge. 三月下旬可以move in. All furniture included with no extra charge: queen size bed, lamps, computer desk and chair and four drawers chest. 拎包入住。租金可以从4月份开始算,可以跟leasing office 签约,租期到2019年一月十九号,到时候可以再续约。只限女生,有意者请联系9086272128,非诚勿扰


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