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[【长租】] North Quincy单房出租

发表于 2018-3-10 12:47:42 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
大单人房出租。 房间明亮,宽敞干净,木地板,设有大衣帽间,包简单的家具和床。步行7-8分钟到北昆西地铁站,路口有巴士站。近93号公路。极好的邻里 - 环境舒适安全,安静。附近有超市,便利店,餐馆,快餐店,咖啡馆,图书馆和银行。包水,电,WiFi。厨房宽敞明亮,设施齐全有冰箱,微波炉,烤箱,投币式洗衣机和烘干机在地下室。适合学生和访问学者整洁女生优先,不吸烟,不养宠物。联系电话:617-955-5859Big single rooms available to rent. room is bright, spacious and clean, with large closets. Simple furniture and bed included.  7-8 minute walk to North Quincy T Station. Bus stop at the top of the street.Terrific neighborhood - very safe, quiet, and peaceful. Many supermarkets, convenience stores, restaurants, fast-food shops, cafes, libraries, and banks located nearby.Water, electricity, gas, WiFi all included. Kitchen with refrigerator, microwave, stove, oven also free to use。Coin-operated washer and dryer in basement. Students preferred. Females only. No smoking, no pets, no parties.Contact for showings.cell: 617-955-5859
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