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出租房去哈佛,MIT, MGH特方便

发表于 2014-6-15 18:25:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
出租房去哈佛,MIT, MGH特方便
$485 - $515 p/月,步行6分钟到红线Andrew地铁站。
1. 乘坐红线地铁可直达哈佛大学,MIT, MGH, Suffolk, Tufts等大学和医院。
2. 每15分钟有免费班车直达哈佛医学院,Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Children’s Hospital, DFCI, BIDMC.
3. 公车直达BU Medical School 和 UMASS.
4. 购物方便,步行4分钟到South Bay Shopping Center。有数家中外大型超市及百货商店。
5. 住房位于安静安全的社区,房内有简单家具,地下室有洗衣机烘干机,高速互联网与室友共享。
6.  电煤气费与室友分摊,街道 免费停车,拎包入住。

有意者请联系david_zhuang@hotmail.com,电话: 617-877-6485.

There are some nice bedrooms available for rent on July, 2014.

1. It is located near Red line T Andrew Station (5 minutes by walking).
2. It only cost you only 4 minutes to Downtown Boston, Tufts Medical School, 6 minutes to Suffolk University, 8 minutes to MGH, 10 minutes to MIT, 15 minutes to Harvard University by subway, and just 8 minutes to UMASS/Boston by walking, also, there are free shuttle buses to Harvard Medical school and Brigham Children & Women Hospital, 5 minutes bus to B.U. Medical Center.
3. It is located in a quiet and safety street (in Polish community).
4. It is near the South Bay Shopping Center (4 minutes walk to Chinese Super Market and Super Stop & Shop, etc).
5. The bedroom is fully furnished.
6. The rent is $ 485 - $ 515  p/m + utilities.
7. High speed internet is available for sharing with other roommates.
8. All the roommates are very nice Chinese students or professionals.
9. Washer and dryer are in the basement for using.

Also, there is one furnished bedroom available now. It is near subway Red Line Shawmut station (2 minutes by walking).
发表于 2014-6-30 00:11:31 | 显示全部楼层

  我们一家三口要去波士顿(我老公去MIT 做访问学者,孩子四岁),想组套有独立卫生间的一室。有意请与我联系,QQ 610354307

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