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[【求助】] Bentley研究生新生 男生 求租belmont附近一间bedroom!!!

发表于 2014-8-21 21:19:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本人无不良嗜好,休息规律,现诚挚求租!希望广大学长学姐学弟学妹联系我!qq 450402751 感激不尽!!!
发表于 2015-5-15 23:19:25 | 显示全部楼层
we have a three bedrooms apartment in Belmont for rent. you will share with a male Chinese postdoc at Harvard U. The house is 2 mins walk to #73 bus line. 15 mins bus to Harvard Sq. 5 mins to Waveley Sq where the shuttle take you to Bentley U. deluxe bathroom and kitchen. A real home. if you are a quite, clean and mature guy, please call me to discuss more. sorry I am supposed to be able to type Chinese, but somehow my computer didn't let me.

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